Dan Dulau / Projects / chiemgauer-musikfruhling / 2008

Dan Dulau

Chiemgauer Musikfruhling is a chamber music festival hosted annually in the German town of Traunstein. Having reached its fifth anniversary the festival has become a landmark in the German cultural life and even the European one, if the notoriety of its guests is to be considered.

The festival featured a fresh logo and a series of printed applications having a chromatic look different from those of the previous years. The chromatic enhancements and the use of graphic elements inspired by the logo were just some of the targeted goals for the festival’s most recent edition.

Chiemgauer Musikfruhling este un festival de muzica de camera ce are loc anual în localitatea germana Traunstein. Ajuns la editia 5 festivalul a devenit un punct e reper în viata culturala germana, si chiar europeana tinând cont de artistii de prima marime care sunt invitati.

Pornit cu un nou logo, redesenat, festivalul a beneficiat de o serie de aplicatii tiparite, cu o nota cromatica distincta în comparatie cu anii precedenti. Plusul de culoare, folosirea unor elemente grafice care pornesc din ideea logo-ului, au fost doar câteva din obiectivele vizate în ultima editie a festivalului.