Dan Dulau / Projects / chiemgauer-musikfruhling / 2009

Dan Dulau

Chiemgauer Musikfruhling is a chamber music festival annually held in the German town of Traunstein. Having reached its sixth edition, the festival has gradually become a landmark in the German and European cultural life, owing to the reputation of the artists that performed on its stages.

As it became more diverse in its activities and concert themes, the festival benefitted from a graphic line that closely followed the idea of diversity. The suggestive images, along with their connotations, are in harmony with the diversity of the concert’s themes.

Chiemgauer Musikfruhling este un festival de muzica de camera ce are loc anual în localitatea germana Traunstein. Ajuns la editia 6, festivalul a devenit un punct de reper în viata culturala germana si chiar europeana, tinând cont de artistii de prima marime care sunt invitati.

Din ce în ce mai divers ca si activitati si teme concertistice, festivalul a beneficiat de o linie grafica ce urmareste conceptul de diversitate. Imaginile sugestive însotesc prin conotatiile lor concertele cu programe variate.